Inside this lovely bento we have: Lentil Salad, Shoyu Chicken, Hard boiled egg and various frozen fruit.
The lentil salad is the star of this bento despite the fact that they are in the background, you see though the lentils are delicous they are not pretty nor are they photogenic.
This was my first time cooking, or really even eating lentils, I may have over cooked them a tad but they were still very yummy.
On a side note: I am making a sister blog to this one, that will be more of a food blog not really about bentos. I am trying to live a better lifestyle and that means I need to eat on a more consistent basis (see previous post for more information.) So I believe that cooking will help me accomplish this and I want to share my journey with others who may be in a similar situation-or who really like food ^_^
I feel that this blog is not the right place to do that so I have started a seperate one but I will be keeping this blog, and updating it with all bentos, and bento items, that I make!